

Firearm:   Cheek stock smooth bore matchlock muskets of any calibre in original class.
                  Free smooth bore matchlock muskets of any calibre in reproduction class
Sights:      Contemporary sights including original style reproduction sights
Target:      MLAIC C200 metres rifle target.
Position:   Standing
Distance:  50 metres
Bullet:        Round ball only
Cleaning:  Permitted
Funnel:      Permitted
The best 10 hits out of 13 shots fired within a time limit of 30 minutes are evaluated.

Determination of order in the event of a tie:

    1. A greater number of 10, 9, etc. In the event of a match for all ten hits, the decision is made according to point 2. 
    2. According to the distances (from the center of the target) of the worst hits of all the ones counted.


They don't shoot.


Island in the south of Japan where the first matchlocks appeared in 1543. They were brought in by a Portuguese ship drifting during a cyclone. Within five months the local Daimyo had commissioned 600 replicas and a powder mill, ensuring the rapid adoption of the matchlock as a military weapon throughout Japan.
Original Class Trophy donated by the National Rifle Association of Japan
Replica Class Trophy donated by Cyrus Smith of USA (1981)