

Firearm:     Any matchlock or flintlock musket; any flintlock or percussion rifle
Sights:       According to the rules for each class
Target:       MLAIC C50 metres pistol target
Position:   Standing
Distance:  50 metres
Bullet:        Round ball or any type of elongated bullet
Cleaning:   Permitted
Funnel:       Permitted
The best 10 hits out of 13 shots fired within a time limit of 30 minutes are evaluated.

Determination of order in the event of a tie:

    1. A greater number of 10, 9, etc. In the event of a match for all ten hits, the decision is made according to point 2. 
    2. According to the distances (from the center of the target) of the worst hits of all the ones counted.


They don't shoot.


Freidrich Vetterli (1822 -1882), inventor of the famous 1869 thirteen shot Swiss Army repeater.
Original Class Trophy donated by the town of Zurich (1981)
Replica Class Cup donated by Archibugieri di Piemonte of Italy (1985)